
20th January....

A small crowd gathered at Mander car park today, mainly in the hope of seeing the adult Iceland Gull (which failed to show), but two Caspians were picked out from the thousands of roosting large gulls, 1st and 2nd winters, and both probably the same individuals as that seen earlier in month. No other highlights, but 4+ Yellow-legged Gulls. Also 3 Goosander and a drake Mandarin were on view, and 18+ Pintail made a brief stop-over (although I missed them!).

A birdery-type person reported a Red-throated Diver near Savages creek today, but I didn't have time to go and look for it. Hopefully it may get located during the WeBS count tomorrow. Also, belated news of a Little Gull seen yesterday evening.

GW Year List: 71 (still). Must do some birding other than gull watching soon!

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