
An Introduction


Grafham Water has been my local patch since 1997. It is watched by a merry band of birders, but the three most active of those, are Colin Addington, Jono Leadley (http://www.indybirder.com) and myself.

After setting a new Cambs Year List record in 2003 of 214 species (and failing to better it in 2004, 05 or 06!), I have decided that during 2007 I'm going to concentrate my birding-effort around Grafham Water, and may be see how many species I can see around the reservoir during the year. My previous best is 171 species, set in 2005, which included such goodies as 3 species of diver and 5 species of grebe, Gannet, Leach-Storm Petrel, Ring-necked Duck, Long-tailed Duck, Hen Harrier, White-rumped & Purple Sandpiper, Phalarope sp, Sabine's, Iceland, Glaucous & Caspian Gull, Sandwich Tern, Short-eared Owl, Wryneck, Tree Pipit, Black Redstart, Stonechat and Twite (I happened to miss 9 species at Grafham Water during 2005) - although this total was impressive, Colin Addington probably holds the record for the highest ever Grafham Water Year List.

1st January stats:
GW Year List - 0
GW Life List 210

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